Legionella Risk Assessments 

Legionella is a risk for almost all water systems found within buildings and therefore must be adequately and effectively controlled in accordance with ACoP L8 (forth edition 2013) under the Health & Safety at Work Act, HSG 274, CoSHH Regulations & the management of health and safety at work. 
There is a legal obligation to carry out a legionella risk assessment of the associated water services in any work place or business. This includes the owners and operators of all commercial buildings including; social housing, Facilities Management, Hotels, Stadiums, Healthcare, Education, Schools, Colleges and many others, have a statutory duty to control the risk of legionella bacteria in water systems.  
This also includes identifying and assessing the sources of risk, preparing a scheme for preventing or controlling the risk, appointing a person to be managerially responsible, implementing and managing precautions and keeping records of the precautions implemented. 
Aqua Environmental Services Ltd can help you comply with ACoP L8 by carrying out a legionella risk assessment and implementing a suitable and effective legionella control programmes where required. ACoP L8 stipulates the following; 
Identification and assessment of all sources of legionella risk, carried out in accordance with BS 8580:2010 – Water Quality Risk Assessment for Legionella Control. 
Preperation of a written legionella control scheme 
Appointment of a responsible person to implement and manage the scheme 
Keeping appropriate records. 
Site Assessment Detail’s 
Executive Summary and Recommendations 
Scope of Works and Application 
Background to the Disease and Health and Safety Law 
Information Disclaimer 
Risk Assessment Report with Detailed Analysis 
Computer Aided site schematic drawing 
Photographic records of water system 
Asset Register 
Glossary of Terms 
Certification of the completed works 

Aqua Environmental Services also undertake the following 

Legionella Control 
Microbiological Sampling 
Water Tank Compliance 
Deadleg Removal